Box Contents

What if I only want locally grown produce?

We understand that some of our customers may prefer to support local growers exclusively, and we still support that choice. That's why with just a couple of clicks, you can exclude bananas from your Fruit Box using our Exclusions Feature, and enjoy only NZ grown fruits instead. Read more on exclusions here.

Why don’t you use NZ grown bananas?

While there are a few adventurous growers dabbling in bananas here in Aotearoa, the climate isn’t warm enough for long enough to ensure a consistent supply and quality. To ensure our customers enjoy the best of the banana bunch, selecting imported bananas was the best decision for consistency and quality.

Where do you source your bananas?

Bananas are an exception to our NZ-grown goodness (NZ's a bit chilly for these tropical fruits to flourish), and after exploring a few options, we now source our bananas from a reputable and sustainable provider in Ecuador.

Our supplier cultivates over 7,000 hectares of bananas in the provinces of Los Ríos and Santo Domingo, ensuring high-quality produce. They are committed to sustainability, evidenced by their Global Gap certification, and contribute to the local economy by generating over 6,500 direct jobs and engaging in agricultural diversification.

By partnering with this supplier, we ensure that you receive high-quality bananas for your delivery while supporting responsible and sustainable farming practices.

Can I exclude items from the box?

We want you to love everything in your Box, so we offer up to three exclusions on each subscription so that no wonky ends up wilted or in the waste. You can update your exclusions at any time from the Customer Portal, or by contacting our caring Customer Service team.

We promise to swap out the first item you exclude with another fresh, seasonal pick. For the second and third exclusions, we'll try our hardest to exclude with other different options. If that's not doable, we'll provide extra of a fruit or veggie already in your box, so you still recieve a box that's brimming with fresh goodness!

Allergies, dietary requirements and exclusions

At Wonky Box, we embrace 'grower-led eating' where our box contents are determined by what's freshly available and in need of rescuing from local farms. However, if there is fruit or veg you need to veto, our Exclusions Feature lets you exclude up to three items from your Box. Please note we are unable to replace entire food groups, and instead, they must be individual fruit or vegetable items. View our full Exclusions Policy here.

Regarding allergies: While we take care to handle produce safely, we cannot guarantee the complete absence of cross-contamination with allergens. If you have severe allergies or intolerances, Wonky Box might not be the perfect fit for you. Please get in touch if you have any further queries.

Can I choose what comes in my box?

At Wonky, we believe in a 'grower-led eating' model where we only source produce that growers have a surplus of, can't sell due to cosmetic imperfections, or can't move due to market forces. This means we can help reduce food waste while supporting local growers. We believe that eating what’s available instead of choosing contributes towards a more sustainable and equitable food system. Therefore, the box is very much a surprise of the season's best fruit & veggies. You can exclude up to three items from your box – checkout our exclusions FAQ below for more info.

When do you release the box contents for each week?

Our box contents vary week-to-week, based on what's freshest in the fields. Once we know how many caring kiwis have signed up for Box orders on a given week, we chat to growers to see what's in need of rescuing. We turn their "too big", "too small",  and "too many" oddballs into your box of Wonky wonders.

To see what's coming in your Box, check our Box Contents Page each Tuesday afternooon. We also often share sneak peeks and tips on our Instagram.

What do you do with your surplus fruit and vegetables?

Wonky is a ZERO food waste business! At the end of every week, when we have packed up the boxes, we donate any leftover fruit and veggies to food banks around Wellington, Auckland and Christchurch. This food is then donated distributed to those in need.

Some of my veg isn't misshapen!

We rescue fruit and vegetables that are at risk of going to waste. This could be because they are Wonky, but also because there are too many in the fields, the produce is too big or too small, or there are marks on the skin. They still taste delicious, but the main markets don't want to stock them. We are called Wonky, but not all the produce that might be going to waste is!